Sunday, 16 December 2012

12-12-12 To 21-12-12 : The Beginning

Here's a little something to ease your questions.

‎12:12:12 through 12:21:12

As we approach the final days of December towards the Solstice on the 21st, our solar system is moving into alignment in the last degrees of Sagittarius of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is the annual event when the Sun conjuncts the center of our galaxy, which lies at 26-27 degrees Sagittarius.

When our solar system moves into range with the Galactic Equator this week, our planet receives a powerful stream of gamma photon light emanating from the spinning black hole. The surge of gamma energy is evident all around our planet in the increasing solar flares, the melting ice caps, coastal flooding, intensifying storms and climate change, the shifting magnetic poles, thinning of the ionosphere, and the acceleration of time towards zero.

The presence of gamma rays streaming from the Galactic Core clearly provides evidence that some cosmic ‘source point’ exists, where matter and anti-matter merge.
In quantum physics, if a particle and its antiparticle come in contact with each other, the two annihilate and produce a burst of energy, or electromagnetic radiation. Mixing matter and antimatter can lead to the annihilation of both in the same way that mixing antiparticles and particles does, thus giving rise to high-energy photons (gamma rays).

There is considerable speculation as to why the observable universe is apparently almost entirely matter, and whether there exists a parallel universe that is almost entirely antimatter instead. An entire antimatter Earth could exist, and it would be exactly the same as our Earth except all the charges would be flipped.

Obviously the spinning black hole vortex that exists in Zero Point in our Galactic Core is producing high-energy particle collisions resulting in gamma photon light. Photons are conveyors of information, traveling through space-time at the speed of light. As our planet merges into the galactic photonic band, we are receiving packets of Light Codes originating from the union of particle-antiparticle pairs…the very essence of unity consciousness!

Christ Light Codes

There is increasing scientific evidence that biological molecules emit and absorb photons. In experiments when light was shone on living cells, the cells would absorb light and radiate intensely – a process called ‘delayed luminescence’.

Clearly human DNA uses photon light as a feedback system of communication through waves which encode and transfer information. It appeared that the Zero Point Field of our universe creates a medium enabling molecules to speak to each other nonlocally and virtually instantaneously, in oscillating frequencies through entanglement.

On 12:12:12 our planet moved into alignment with our galaxy’s counter-clockwise vortex spiral stream of photon Light Codes embedded with divine intelligence. These powerful Light Codes are communicating with our brain, into the micro-crystals in the pineal, in our blood, and in our hearts! The incoming stream of crystalline Adamantine particles replenishes our human aura, transfers Source consciousness into our DNA, rebuilds our crystalline cellular structure, activates the dormant Soul codes (in our junk DNA), and fuels the physical body. As we become living conduits of golden light we are ascending into higher and higher realms of expansion, expression and manifestation.

Dec. 21st marks the cosmic tipping point when Earth’s polarity will shift into the galactic rhythm of counter-clockwise motion. At this moment of change, we will enter into an eternal space of NO TIME….marking our emergence into the 2000 years called the Golden Age and the Age of Aquarius. Earth is shifting into an eternal NOW, the unification of 4th dimensional time and space as we rise higher in frequencies to the New 5D Earth.

This New Age heralds our ascension into higher consciousness! It not only is a personal experience, but also universal, in that the Photon Belt is not only impacting our solar system, but also the DNA ‘transceivers’ in our intra-cellular human ‘radio’. It is a step-by-step process of upliftment into the higher dimensional realm of enlightenment. All souls in our solar system have the opportunity at this time to actively get involved and evolve into unity consciousness.

The Ascension process involves balancing opposites, as we transform our energy from polarity to singularity…by shifting from living in separation to creating a unified field! In doing these steps of unification, we are bringing together all lost aspects of our timeless, authentic Self and the polar energies of the masculine/feminine, the heart/mind, and the soul/human.

The 12:12:12 portal to higher dimensions has opened the etheric doorway of the multiverse till 12:21:12, during which time our human DNA and electromagnetic fields are receiving an increasing stream of crystalline Light Codes from our Galactic Core.

Null Zone

A Null Zone is created when energy expands, extends and flowers outwards, then is shattered from without, causing the previous world or reality system to collapse inwards upon itself. It breaks all the old entrenched patterns. The old shattered worlds cannot be restored to their original position. Null Zones can occur on a large scale, affecting many, or within our own being. They create the womb from which the New is born.

12:12:12 Gateway activated a planetary Null Zone, as the Light Codes and 12D Harmonic Tones ignited the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life within our human bioenergetics as well as the crystal core of Earth. During the days between 12:12 and 12:21 (the inverse) we will see a flowering expansion of gamma photon light (unity consciousness) spread outwards across the planet and into the universe…only to collapse inwards all old unsustainable systems, as the new world paradigm returns to merge back into the collective field.

During the span between 12:12 and 12:21 we will visibly see evidence of flip-flopping back and forth between realities…rocking back and forth between polarity and singularity. This contrast pushes up all hidden patterns of 3D time that can no longer survive in the null-magnetic zone. This process is loosening the hold of Duality inside, as the ego has to ‘let go’ of all old attachments of the pas and the future. This rocking back and forth motion can be disorienting and exhausting, which is why it is so important to meditate and maintain our inner equilibrium in the fulcrum point of balance.

During the end of our Great Cycle on Winter Solstice, Dec 21st 2012, the world hologram in 3D Duality will flip into the quantum unified field. As we unite and integrate all matter and antimatter, our new reality will include both. By holding a balanced fulcrum point inside our Core (Zero Point null-magnetic) we will have access to the vastness of both realms at the same time.

Birth a New Earth

The incoming new world paradigm contains the Divine blueprint in the gamma photon Light Codes, which is changing the frequency of the entire planet. We are witnessing Earth gradually pull into two distinct world realities - the old 3rd dimensional Timeline and a new 5th dimensional Timeline of the Golden Age. All awakened Souls are moving onto the new 5D Earth, which is reprogramming our DNA and our awareness from 3D to 12D. As we ascend into the higher dimensional world reality, this bridges the gap between the left and right hemispheres of our brains, and activates the pineal neural network.

On 12:12:12, each of the 12 power stations on Earth’s crystalline grid connected to the 12 dimensions of the universe, as well as the dormant junk DNA of our original 12 strands. We are using our body/minds as anchor points of gamma photon Light Codes to assist in activating the Ascension of Earth. We are responding to the clarion call to ‘Birth a New Earth’ and move thru the 12th Stargate into a new Timeline grounded in unity consciousness.

The planetary scalar wave program of separation is a holographic insert into our brains and lower 3D chakras...our job right now is to use the universal 12D Light Codes and Harmonic Tones to scramble the virtual program of the 3D Matrix and break free!
The program swirls in clockwise (left to right) motion into the right side of our bodies to block/lockdown our right brains (visualization, intuition, receiving) and the masculine energy required to manifest and provide for our needs. If we continue to spin our energy in a counter-clockwise Vortex, we will be able to utilize the gamma photon Light Codes to unlock the 3D Matrix of separation from the right side of our body.

Why is that? The Earth rotates on its North-South axis, counter-clockwise from West to East, and that's why we see everything rise in the East and set in the West. And from a birds-eye view looking down at the Earth, not only would you see the Earth spin counterclockwise, it would also orbit the Sun counterclockwise!

As the magnetic poles continue to shift we will experience Earth's alignment with the natural counterclockwise rhythm of our galaxy! Many Souls carry a divine blueprint to actively assist in birthing the new world paradigm…and may feel compelled to gather together with common purpose during the coming week. I am being guided to work with others in anchoring in the galactic counter-clockwise vortex rhythm into our planet’s geomagnetic field at Mt Shasta, CA…the Root Chakra of Gaia. If you have a similar calling, I invite you to join our Global Meditation on Dec. 21st.

It is an exciting time to be alive, especially for the dedicated Souls working the Ascension since Atlantis. There is much speculation about how the New Earth paradigm will look, with many unreasonable expectations of instantaneous health, wealth and power. We need to keep an tight hold on the ego from demanding fantastical expectations in the future, for this pops us into 3D Time. Our Bridge into the New Earth resides in the balance point of the eternal NOW, where no ego exists, and all is accepted and embraced in compassion and Oneness!

- Children Of The Sun Foundation

Friday, 23 November 2012

CHAPTER 2 : Solea : The collective soul

" I awake to my own dream and dream that i'm awake. I take what i've been given must now give what they would take. I accept that you are different, the difference is that i accept.
Your difference is my teacher, your dreams are my regret.
I venture through the chaos because the chaos is my venture. If order comes whats done is done, compassion is still my center.
We journey towards the light the light becomes our journey. When dark meets light then life takes flight prelude to the great turning.
We see that we are one now oneness is the new perspective. When wisdom dawns the dream will spawn a light that is self reflective.
I dreamed the center was everywhere and everywhere there was a center. I dropped to my knees and gave thanks to thee necessity the mother inventor. "         
                                                                                                                    -- Vito Santana

As i embark upon the next chapter of my story, as the journey which had once begun to find something which was not known comes to an end. Where we end and i begin, where the reflection merges to form the whole, I call upon your simple mind to read this new beginning of light, and light only.

This quote above, a beautiful piece of art, i had once stumbled upon in my quest for discovery of myself, of the unknown. It came as a sort of an ancient scripture, a manuscript passed down from generations from gods and humans alike, a play of mind and mind only. But mind you, the mind is not the same as the brain.

The mind is the whole, like the vibrations emitted from ' Aum ', like the sound of color. To hear the sun, what a thing to believe, but it's all around you. Around us. All thought is energy, and energy only. A beautiful web of emitting vibrations passing by, hurrying into materialization by our curious little heads. To find that it was what we had asked for, knowingly or unknowingly, It won't matter.
It's the secret right? The universal law of attraction, the never ending, the never resting, the endlessly flowing.

It's pure consciousness, and it's purity may rise, with certain questions and answers unfolding. A good question's answer already answered in thought and the question may materialize.

What i'm talking about is the unity of brain and heart. Of complete mind, body and soul union.
The vibrations you may emit then is boundless and holds no limits, and as always, limitations are thought up by our own beautiful mind, so the erase tool is at your beck and call, but realization. That's a tricky one.
It comes by surprise, takes you off guard at times. It hits you where it hits the worst, and like a catalyst to the type of emotion created by the news, you drift off into light, again. Light = Consciousness.

Now when you have a certain control over your own light, self reflective. You may see how beautifully it all falls into place. How perfect. How simple. How easy!
Like it was always meant to be.

People may do anything to avoid facing their souls, i may say. It's not by imagining figures of light, that we gain the purity of the course, but by making the dark in us conscious. A part of you.

It's not unfair to say that you're not lost if you don't know where you're going.
I'd like to keep that as an important lesson, the first one of this new beginning.

No really, it is. Its like waking up to something you've always been awake to, but different.
Good different.

How does it feel to be in world where everything you thought you knew, you thought you saw, you thought you heard altogether turns brighter, and everything is new, and unknown, like landing into the wild again?
I'll tell you how it feels.

It feels like a rolling stone.

So i'm going to tell you a little story, if i still have you hooked into my contemplation's.
One thing i'll tell you, if you want to give me a real shot, use your imagination, run wild, child.
And don't be mistaken even if you're 40, you have a child there somewhere.

You see we may be pretty old at 18, or pretty young at 65. Time is just a concept that humans created.
Don't sweat your innocence away just yet.

When i say, a dark cold night, don't take it as just another night.
A complex mind, at certain points, has no difficulty is stringing together certain visualizations, a chain of events, a stream of thoughts into a perfectly running engine with every feeling, burning as bright as the coal generating equal amounts of energy, only that instead of smoke coming from the chimney, it's your brain engine and all thought, into energy, into universe, into matter and generating outcomes.
That's the beauty of it really, to control the power which gives you enough power to be able to not control your powers and let it safely autopilot you through the screen of your mind, feeling emotions deeply felt, and brewing realizations from the smallest of thoughts.

6 figures of light, a dark cold night, a little sense of fright inside a few simple minds.
When you start from a setting quite known there's always this protective layer around and about in the air and a flow of familiarity. But then again, that's what they came to look beyond.

I'm talking about a journey into dimensions beyond a dream, beyond a state of sleep, beyond a state of hallucinations or intoxication. Don't demean a book by its cover, because sometimes in life you may come across the most irrational explanations of irrationally occurring phenomenon.
Till the end of life shall we learn lessons, if we commit mistakes, they will be repeated. And repeated until you can overcome them, only then shall a new lesson unfold. But, the lesson, which is the fact of the matter, will always, always unfold.

It is your light only, that can then understand, learn, create and move on from the reigns of the unknown.

To know what human kind has done to its bearer, our mother, the earth. To call it their own.
When the blood in your veins returns to the sea, and the earth in your bones returns to the ground, perhaps then you will remember, that THIS LAND DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU, IT IS YOU WHO BELONG TO THIS LAND.

They crossed dimensions to return to the source, and hear the venomous truth, the plague we cast on ourselves. Destroying, dividing, conquering, enslaving. Exploiting the land, to torturing its natives, we surveyed through the rotten sea of misuse and ignorance that we had once brought upon our planet.
The material world, the materialistic thought itself is of ignorance and shame, why would you not be kind to another, why would you call yourself the center? Why would you become a parasite on another parasite sucking deeper into the well, where there is only a way down, and no way up, and if you could even come up, you could only by wandering through the whole well, climbing level by level seeing the horror, and the pain that has been caused in the dying air of the era.

Well. The good news is, that the era was dying. A last few breaths, unto the day of light. Where everywhere everyone would know the whole and be the whole and once again, begin.
It's not the end of the world, my brothers and sisters, it is the return to yourself.
The return to innocence.

Whilst the transition to the beginning the day of light would arrive, and they would drown their minds in the simplicity of the sun and everything in order by nature and love.
The search for the lost chord had finally ended.
Two notes of the chord found, 'Aum' everywhere, as a peaceful sense of calm remained.

But, the calm wasn't an earthly sort of calm, it was the space calm, the journey through the outer realms of space, the discovery of the expansion of time, sound and surrounding. I have only one word.
LIMITLESS. The universe, is limitless.
Expand your mind and you can expand your horizons. There is only wisdom to combat knowledge and if you can fight, fight with all your heart because knowledge you may have borrowed, But wisdom, is what you have experienced. What you have seen, felt, known.

As light progresses, there is no looking behind or looking forward. All time is now, and now only.
When we bring subconscious patterns of behavior to conscious awareness we are not only becoming more conscious individually but collectively as well. Since the physical universe is simple the externalized projection of our collective subconscious, when we bring the subconscious patterns of behavior to conscious awareness we are doing the work of the creator.
Now is the time for deep change. Nothing will change you but YOU yourself. Let go of all that keeps you in the old cycles and make the last push to change yourself throughout. Let go of the noise of thoughts that keep us in the head and find the stillness and quiet of the light the comes from the heart.

The loss of a beautiful moment, the loss of a beautiful memory, the drowning in sorrow of a beautiful yesterday.
Only now it had felt so real as if it were a blissful dawn always warming the sky, a beautiful star always reflecting its long departed light. And in the blink of an eye, in a motion through countless devoted hours of beautifully weaved love, The boat was empty. 

Flowing over a dark sea with no shore in sight, gently and eerily floating upon the cool carrying water. And in that moment i was lost. I had vision, i had found the light flickering. A gentle motionless flame upon the lantern, burning in dim silence. Silence so complete, that the frequency of silence was audible, and it floats. 
Yet, upon the sea, gently drifting from side to side, Mist all around and above the water. Free souls they say.
These free souls wandering, waiting in silence, not in contemplation not in thought. In calm. In serenity.

It floats in the eerie mist, breeze gently rocking the boat, stirred by the ripples of water. The ocean.
The ocean of existence.
It's dark, it's misty, it's eerie to some, it's silent to all.
But i float, in peace. In ever acceptance.

For the day will once again dawn and light shall shine in the water. Where the sun rises from the sea and the sky they meet, as one. That's where i'm headed to. To the horizon.
The boat, empty. But beautifully empty. The ocean carries it in beautiful, gorgeous silence. In  Shanti'h.

I bow to the light in you.
Sincerely, The race beings.

I tell you now, Circles are good. Don't berate them.
Keep circling, keep circling around the question. Circling is okay. RE-VISTING, RE-STATING, Is okay.

This world has been sleeping with love dying, and this world will awaken only with the awakening of love. Start with yourself, love yourself, love her, love them, love it. Love the land you walk on, love the mountains you see, love the places you visit, love the place you live in. Love everyone and everything around you, and it will be enough to walk us through, to evolution.

12.12.12. The planet of LOVE.
The universe is filled with magic!

Do your mind a favor: Brainstill more, Brainstorm less. 

This post is devoted to -

The track SOLEA by Anoushka Shankar, Album : Rise 
From where inspiration rose.

Thank you.

Monday, 17 September 2012

The Ocean of Existence

As we jumped down from a rusty old bus, as we stepped down from the steps of daily life into a land whose mystical mystery I’d always tried to visualize as from my perception due to repetitive mentioning, I had to see it with my own eyes.

I’m talking about a small town at the blessed feet of Himachal Pradesh, part of one of the foothills, Called Nahan.

We stepped down from what remained of a bus, and as we did step out of that vehicle so did we take a big step away from all the noise, the screaming, the pollution, the hustle of daily life, we stepped down from the rat race.

I need not put stress on the fact that as we all may or may not know, it wouldn’t catch your eyes for even a second, to waste a thought on something other than the rat race. We get up every day to learn for something so we can work for something to be someone at some point and we go forth with our spears and shields into the battle and consciously do things which put emphasis on separation and division and manipulation only to keep fighting till we realize we have nothing to fight for because the battle never had to take place here. It had to be within, to find your own self which you may never have known.

We look into reality and constantly look for things which separate us from one another; we take ourselves as worthy individuals and to others as only a fragment, as comparison. We divide, we condemn, we have everything yet we only see what we don’t, or what the other way.

That’s the way the society was built, ego. Ego as the centre of your functioning and although the intention be to become someone, in the process what we look over, whilst a few eyes smile at what you miss, you should be aware of.

I tell you right now. Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece, you cannot be improved. You only have to know it, to realize it.

Yes, so back to finding ourselves.

Keeping the very fact that we needed to de-stress, refresh and reboot our systems, we reached her with bags on our shoulders. And true to what I heard, I had arrived in the land of gods. I looked around me as nightfall had arrived, a cool ghostly mist had descended upon the land, and I could hear nature in the form of the sound of an ocean, which was cause by the breeze flowing in through the pine tree fruit, making the gentle flowing sound of the ocean, it’s calm, soothing  atmosphere all around us.

As we entered our resort, the Sirmour Retreat which overlooks the town of Nahan from another climb up, about 300m in height, I could see the mist spanning all across the town, and a rare few lights twinkling in its midst, the illusion giving reflection of water all over the town, like mixed through the sound of the ocean from the pine trees, the ocean was already over the town, and beautiful waves were sounding to be ashore.
Right there I knew it really was god’s land.

Dawn came, and waking up with the warm, comforting smell of tea leaves in the air, and I looked out of the balcony, and my eyes didn’t blink for about 15 minutes. I could observe the horizon and clouds right at face level, spanning all over till the horizon and it looked like a battle of blues in the sky.

Across the sky, about  8 shades of blue, gently spiraling, or flowing  as milk on a flat plain with thickness and color radiating into patterns of gray and blue criss-cross square cut shaped dots and what not!  I was struck with awe. 

I unfortunately couldn’t stay for long and we had one day to stay, so we couldn’t wait to rush out and explore the mysteriously wonderful place.

As we walked past the pastures and fields of green, all I could say was I’ve never seen so many colors in front of my eyes. Shades and shades of existing colors, like never before. Pink and green and mauve and beige, blue and gray and red and crimson, fluorescent yellow, orange and saffron, violet, indigo, navy and cotton blue, olive and mustard and peach and skin, colors of life and colors of sin.

The dark and teary, the scary and the bold, the mystery like stories of lands untold, the kingdom of colors and nature alike, we saw this dreamland with our own beautiful eyes.

As the sorrow sun set, giving the sky the most beautiful shades of pink I have ever know, It struck me at once the sky was turning like gold. We saw a beautiful sun, with clouds and  mist, gently spreading into the sky in fragments of forgotten light, and the pink shade gave the sky a blushing smile, and with the ocean like clouds up so high, the ocean turned gentle, and forgiving and kind.

I would not dare leave, if daily life didn’t beckon, but we all have duties and we all have our lessons.     And in this nature I found my soul again, this journey through my eyes I will not forget.  As I set out in the next break of light, I found myself with a beautiful insight.

I saw three parts of the rainbow, three parts of the sun. The sun is the light that unites, the sun is white. And in the land of god where colors prevail, we can watch the show, for the sun is the radiant colors of the rainbow.

I will not forget what the ocean has told:
Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold.
I call it, the ocean of existence.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Till it's far too late

I once knew the shadow filled skies were only a glimpse of what deceived my eyes,
how could i not see what i'd been told, how i never looked into the light, how i never was bold.
I'd seek down by lanes and allies of doubt, and look into an endless well of without,
what happened i saw, realized a few, cos there was no way out, only within the voice would go.
Oh mighty sky,Oh mighty ocean i plead, show yourself above the beauty i've seen, 
i've set foot in your wilderness, that's why every person had a nature.
Cos uniquely in us, nature opens our eyes, and shows us that we all exist as one, 
Absorb only love for all we have would be none, if we hadn't been shown the power of one.

As day passes by, we withdraw the shine, the sun seems pink and water flowing by.
I cannot see clearly, what twilight would bring to me, there is time for need but no time for greed.
I may not see what lies under the sand, but a glass pricks skin, and blood trickles into land.
And  with our pain comes darkness under a veil, look under look within, and reveal your sin.
 Maybe you'll find the spark in your eyes, maybe you'll spot the fall you're going to survive.
How it ends, has never been told. Patience my friend, let the story unfold.

I look again, into the reflections of my mind. It's just the kind of day to leave myself behind.
What now is, now is where we need to be. If you don't see don't plead to me.
I can only show you what i've seen with these eyes, but the mind knows and the mind listens.
With beautiful imagery it often glistens. What you see now will be the screen of your mind. 
Project none, and none shall be revived. There is no yesterday, there is no tomorrow, for they can only produce worry, and we have no time to drown in sorrow.

Sorrow yes we shall feel, with a mild dose of tears and maybe a few drops for fears.
I only show you what you will to know, for if i go too fast you might lose the flow.
This river is not endless, it's only yours to play. Enjoy it now, while you can see the string fray.
It withers and cuts along your dusty thoughts, it pierces through your rocks and it always wets your socks.
But yes you have been told, don't be afraid to be bold. 

The time will come when you shall see, there is you in me and there is me in you.
For all there is, is love in more than just a few.
The river may be alone and may lead down the valley, maybe climb fearless up the lifting peaks,
this shadow will remain, but you have lit the winning streak.
May your dust fall, may your river flow, for in the end , The ocean, is all it has to go.
And you shall be within.

A drop in the ocean.
And the ocean is in a drop,
 that's all there is to know.

I speak not clearly, as you shall decide. Whether we survive, whether we can hide.
If you can choose, then choose from heart, for only when we love, will we ever throw our first dart.
I will not speak, i will not whisper. 
I will not touch, i will only tighten the clutch.
And when we finally bloom, and enter the new light,
For the first time shall we see, a starry night that was meant to be.

I bow to the light in you.
Om Shanti, Shanti Om.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


Oneness, we are one, all in all is all we are.
What does one mean by oneness?
It's making peace with the reality thats going around these days.
Peace isn't just non-violence, a world where there are no threats, a place where nothing goes wrong, no.
Peace comes from within.

Peace is living in the midst of whatever goes around, and still being calm inside.
Peace is love, peace is sharing, peace is caring, peace is connecting without dividing.
Maybe now we finally get what united we stand, divided we fall means.
United we stand as an expression all over the planet, sending a message to everyone.
The insignificance of individuality has to be understood, only then can we work on the gifts we haveas individuals to contribute to the immortal power of ONE.

Imagine theres no country, it isn't hard to do.
No hell below us, above us only skies.Imagine all the people, living life in peace.
You may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one.
I hope someday, you'll join us.
And the world will live as ONE.

Creativity crosses all boundaries and limitations.
There is no cast, no creed, no religion, no sex.
Creativity is a form of oneness, appreciated and absorbed by one and all.

In today's world, there is a lot of diversity, there are different sects, communities, countries and most importantly, different perspectives of different human beings.
The kind of diversity that exists is VAST.

What creativity, in various fields such as ART, POETRY, MUSIC, PHOTOGRAPHY etc. does is beautiful.
It's a phenomenon that doesn't happen anywhere else.
Different people, distinguished artists from all over the planet ( It's a planet, not a country, not the world, not an empire, It's mother Earth )just sit down, open their minds and do their thing.
They form a sort of platform for expression of their deepest conscious and sub-conscious thoughts, and throw them out on canvas, or music.Or just capture a breath taking beauty from their own eyes in the form of a photograph and then they circulate all over the planet! Or write with teary eyes of joy some thoughts which aren't just words on a paper, they're art at it's peak.

What does this have to say about the power of creativity?

The immense power of absorbtion through a piece of art may it be any form, happens without even a second thought.

You look at a painting, you hear a piece of music, you read a piece of poetry, you see a photograph and immidiately you take away an interpretation of what the artist might be trying to express.Yes, it's your own imagination leading you to interpret a work of art, but the imagination is boundlessand does not differenciate between culture, cast, religion etc.You just take away a message as beautiful as what the artist intended to potray.

Isn't that beautiful?

CREATIVITY is the only form of message that people all over the planet live and think through,joining hands from all over and sharing a message of beauty.
That's the power of creativity.
Where no one divides, and everyone survives, together.

So let us all join our hands together, and spread the message of the power of being one.


Sunday, 15 July 2012

A revolution of consciousness

There has to be a revolution, there has to be one. What do you say? There has to be one.
But a revolution of consciousness!

Believe, We're all just souls, inside a manifestation that suits us best. We have to move on, learn lessons, feel the presence of one another. We are all just one face, we wear different masks.

A place where people are not hung up by the illusion of an identity, where soul is what they know.
To walk mother earth in this vehicle called the body is our gift, to see, learn, visualize, imagine, create!

I understand cloud filled skies now, we all stare up into the sky, and i realize that when people go on dreaming and dreaming of being something, of gaining the world with a motive no other than gain, they look into the sky and say to themselves, ' I want to be on top of those clouds one day, fly. ' And slowly, they get incorporated into the mess, not glimpsing the truth even once.
What about the land we walk on? Supposedly the sons of god, the sons of mother earth, and how lucky are we to be able to do so?

Why has the picture been held away from your mind? It's not a country, not a state, not a continent or a world!
It's a planet.
And you say proof of how big we are? We're as big as planets,stars,constellations, a universe, a zillion more universes filled with just the same and souls all over. That's how vast it is.

If you ever focus on the message, it's clear. Look how lucky you are, look how blessed you've been to be here, You want to gain the world at seat? It's right here man.
You already have the world at your feet, you can choose to move.

Thank it, show gratitude, show compassion, it's our blessing. Explore it , Rejoice.
Choose the soul you love, choose your companions well, choose trust, choose belief. Choose a bigger meaning. Choose to be the one to make a difference, and most importantly, share the light, share the knowledge, share your faith.

And when i had sat down before to seek an answer to one question, What is the duty of our souls to this blessing? Today the answer is clear.

Our duty, is only to live in abundance, rejoice, love one another, show the path to anyone who seeks it, and primarily - Spread the message.
It is a faded light in the times of now, and the times of now is what needs to know.

There are two important works a human needs to fulfill in his journey.
The work karma, ie. The work to excel , succeed, learn, share, perform and contribute not just to yourself but to the benefit of the planet in totality. That is JUST HALF THE WORK DONE.

The spiritual karma, ie. To answer the calling of your soul, to give it reason, to understand the path of clarity and attain a level where you need no more push, where the conscious and sub-conscious segments of your mind would unite.

Choose to be the one to make a difference.
Choose to be one of us, choose to be clear.

                                                                                                                 - Until next time.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

The Key.

Okay so tonight, is a very special night, its a moment.
A bubble of a dream i'd say.
I sat thinking about what i've learnt so far.

The expansion of our intellectual universe is vast. So vast, that so far there might have been a gazzillion break through's in every little section of our pure world.
And all the wealth and knowledge, of history and mankind and our visions, and our insights,
with our little mechanic robots and our out of the world cuisines, and top class inventions and confidential military equipment.

Behind every single thought process and perception via our own abilities which make each one of us the special category winners we fall into, is a simple idea.
A moment, a thought bubble, which burst into a million streamlines through our complicated nervous system carrying charges of thoughts, combining with reason and logic and falling into place with the norms and societies so as to be accepted in these days, these times.
Oh yes, these times, they are dark , dark times.

If you get sucked into this sphere of un-calculated turn of events, surprising motions created in the parallel worlds and everything seems to be out of order or balance.
Yes, it may make your darkest dreams come true.
Right inside from your subconsciousness pulled out by a fire-breathing monster or a crying angel, or whatever you may want to see, it may come out.
And all over your so called planet create chaos and peril, and people will bow down to what was never written to be, all because of your tiniest fear of losing control, and hence forth, you lost it.

But wait, beyond your darkest dreams, where is the mathematician, where is the scientist?
Where is the poet, where lies the artist?

In order to defeat the darkness out there, you must first defeat the darkness within yourself.
And like i once read, how i'd like to explain our 'vast' intellectual universe, would fit in perfect with this piece of the human brain.

I am a scientist. A mathematician. I love the familiar. I categorize. I am accurate. Linear. Analytical. Strategic. I am practical. Always in control. A master of words and language. Realistic. I calculate equations and play with numbers. I am order. I am logic. I know exactly who I am.
I am creativity. A free spirit. I am passion. Yearning. Sensuality. I am the sound of roaring laughter. I am taste. The feeling of sand beneath bare feat. I am movement. Vivid colors. I am the urge to paint on an empty canvas. I am boundless imagination. Art. PoetryI sense. I feelI am everything I wanted to be.
I am simply, a resourceful human being.

So tonight, with one last note, i'd leave for you to think upon.
You may have come a far way across, from what you were , to what you've become.
You may have been unsuccessful, or very successful, you may have yet to find or maybe you've found all the answers.
But what you have, anyone and everyone of us, with knowledge and practicality, a Master Key.
But what good is it, till you don't find the doors you need to open.
It's still a maze , just with every door / every option open.
You still have to make the decisions, right?
Let it free, fly.
Your path is now, clearer.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Save a seat for yourself first.

Beyond memories and tales and stories of childhood, what truth lies beneath the ocean sand.
I look up with a fading smile as wishes and sorrows walk past me, playing together holding arms and childishly gliding past the skies of the world.
They see no fear, in these eyes they say.
They sparkle flawlessly and shade of green with a hint of naughty traits unfolding mysteriously into this gentle stream.

Oh, this cold water flowing through the pebbles of hope, swerving and brilliantly carving through the sand underneath, making a map of endless sways and half hearted lifts.
It's time really that's really going slow.
I can almost hear the front desk woman whispering a sultry tone into the phone, and with every deep breath of hers is a lusting she could not quench in the straight forward life she once meant to live.
With only a surreal dose of what we could call recreation of all the plays you once flipped by, every chapter every page, as you turned by the dim light.
They could all tell you it wasn't real, only if it weren't though.


What did you think was going to happen? 
Where all of a sudden with just a gushing build-up you would land straight into the arms of the non-existent world with dreamy figures and shadow free light, where you would glow and shimmer and embrace the warmth of your beautifully weaved carefully carved path to life and not a stone twig or monster could make you fall?

Well, those places nowadays are empty.
As he once said, "you may say, i'm a dreamer. But i'm not the only one."
And all he hoped for was one day you would join him, and the world would be together.
The mistake, the crime the felony you commit is only your foolish mind making you believe you're not there, this isn't happening.
Yes, it's a steep fall into endless nightmares and restless fatigued bodies and nights of wonder.

But don't we all need a bit of a check on what's really going on?
What's going on is that you need to believe, in something for it to come true.
No matter how bizarre, how impossible how not true it may seem to you.
You just need a stone to step on, the carvings are always dealt with, you know that! Everyone knows that.

Why would you seek a tide to wash away your soul when you could just step on it and fade away to making the things you always wanted to live come true?

It's not about what you've got, it was never about who got what and you got what.
It's a simple tale, where millions failed to rescue themselves from this gradual fade away.
It's about what you make of what you've got.
And that's what it's always going to be about.

Monday, 26 March 2012

This is the end.

As an eerie silence crept in upon my shoulders, and into my ears.
A soul, muffled as though struggling to gain surface, faded in front of my eyes.
As all audio visual turned haywire and a numbing warm liquid floated through the senses.
I realized that i was in one of the deepest dreams of my life.

The dream has passed and time has seized.
The moment is gone, the pain has seized.

If numbing knew what boundaries to make, we wouldn't have one another,
There would be nothing at stake.
I'd take a note or two, it does get better.
Even if those wings are denied of feather.

You will not fly, tonight into the light.
You haven't thought this through, it does get better.
Whether you could wait beyond forever.
I'd say once again, listen closely, this is a treasure.

Words, if you might have heard.
Have a creepy way of winding up on you.
Ego has shed, also dignity and maybe pride,
Had once you felt you had to take this stride.

I'll give you an option, this is no lie.
Now is your moment.
Can you survive?

Monday, 5 March 2012

A journey to the other side.

As a sense of familiarity faded and led the mind into a world so real, your eye's wouldn't believe anything otherwise.
This new world, an old acquaintance, wondering whether the sky was breathing, wondering how the ground is shaking?

As i sat in the comfort of my reality and laid back, closed my eyes. Time played through musical feelings, of transcending into a different sphere, where the simple entangling of a wire mesh, blended into a kaleidoscopic pattern of mild yellow shades. The light floated through the misty breathing vibrations of the traffic passing by.

A distant plane passing above you, shook your ears like a bee buzzing into you, the eerie sensations of reaching a new height where the world you were in, you can look down upon. Saying goodbye to the cruel world, where feelings were so human, and thoughts were read alike, where there was nothing they could say to make you change your mind. Goodbye.

And then boomed into life, a train flying at the speed of light, it's screaming to watch out, to not cross the path of blending. To not jump in between.
I took the leap, a momentary lapse of reason. I hung on to the train, and flew into it's path. With it floating into surreal landscape. Where the tree bark shone, in the orange light, with shadows and scars, and fears into life.
The story wound up on it's body, the aggression my mind was once drowned in, was painted on it's torn down, sinful skin.

The people just vanished, and the buildings disappeared. In fact, the oldest times we've heard were here.
The plants of swamps, the poisonous dumps. The wasted and the homeless, left their burdens on their doorsteps.
The fear of death had escaped, and the ego and laughter, hanging by the drapes.
I took a deep breath of silence, and cleared my head, and then the steps of reality we tread.

Oh wait, let's take a stop, i'm looking down these stairs, it's such a deep drop?
How could this be, these are my own thoughts, how can you see?
Is this really happening, why have i never seen this clear?
My ground is gone, the end is near.

I realized instantly, I was never going to see those faces again.
The effects were going to stay permanently.
As soon as i knew, i had no choice.
My legs shaking with instability, I tried to hear my voice.
I was so far away from the ones that never led my life into gray, i begged on my knees, my world was what is meant to be.
I have love, i have a smile, a beautiful surrounding, and a million faces.
Which give me relief, from those eerie traces.
I'd never want to leave that, they longed me back.
And so i reflected, in the water-filled sack.

Those faces upon me, with arms open wide,
they made me surf into the fading tide.
I jumped up, and saw the plane flying by,
it's time again, to see the other side.

I will see you again, it's my mind, your creator, The wheels will spin soon, and i'll be the predator.
I have still, a plenty to amend, but it's going to be a matter of time, before my path may bend.

Until next time.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Momentary breakdown of logic

As you close those eyelids, and stretch those knees,
as you pull up the covers, as you prepare to sleep.
There's a world waiting, waiting to unfold,
with stories like you've never been told, with creatures without souls.

You step under the branch and carefully slide past shades, of dull and gray, of perfection and slaves.
You're crossing a riddle of reason and indecision,
you can jump into the haze of violet colored rays, or freeze dead the time, or the law of gravity that binds.

That levitation saw no failure, and made a new dimension appear.

She opened her closet to find absolute loss of logic. It froze her heart and she flew like a dart.
As alice once gobbled up to squeeze down her size, as she met a mad hatter and giant headed witch up the mountain. As the white queen bowed, and as proportion oozed to flow.
As the caterpillar smoked, and changed colors without hope.
With unicorns and dragons, a three headed dog.
With a talking frog, a flying hedge hog!
Or the tiniest mouse, fighting with a frown, with needle sized swords, and swearing away words.
She knew right then, her world is a blend, of things you've been told are always what you shall see, and demons or angels, can cause no fear.
It's all she saw in a year of living in flight, she learnt she must go back, where mightiest perish, with worry fright.

Our world is all you'll ever be in, if you don't believe ,it's not going to be a sin.
We shall not face quietly, the screaming night. We must not go down, just not without a fight. 

I must not stress on the facts i convey, there's going to be a doomsday.
You may run away stray, or face whats coming.
There's going to be slaughter, of the weak and unpromising.
I haven't seen this reality, in a thousand circles of sanity.
When you realize your darkest fears, when you visualize your end seeming near.
The powerful vibrations of unfolding energy. 

You have no choice, but to accept this scene.
It's the sleekest chance you have, but have no limits.
For you can't tell people, what lies in the unseen.
All i can say is, there is no point, in telling directly the story,
what you need to see, is how it got a base.

It grows and nourishes, until it's large,
And when you hit the peak, there's just one closet door you have to barge. 
Go ask alice, I think she knows =D

Monday, 20 February 2012

Travel past time, travel past mind

In the longest journey, chosen not so long ago, i find many a thing or two, out of reach.
The inability to foresee what was planned coming out to be carved into a steady path, but maybe it's one of the steadiest path's we've ever been on.
It's what differentiates the good from the great, the bad from the worse.

Never believed in crying out loud, reaching out to your desires and grabbing them by the hair.
But it genuinely uplifts the quality of pleasure.
In love and affection we find a soothing hint of trust, no matter what stood in between, the rays of hope never failed to pass.
Of course we've all learnt about the Tyndall effect, which in a make belief manner bends most usual light into a hazy cloud of dissociation.
We've seen through the darkest clouds of outburst and pain, screaming for sanity and begging for the pain to stop, meanwhile judging less the amount of smiling security and clinging fear of losing someone appeals to the mortal.
I cannot tell you whether to look for an answer to the questions of your soul, or wait for them to seep through the mud and reach the seed, and see how beautiful the plant grows, with fragility and patience, and care we see through all the laws of nature and guide a little spiritual insight into a friendly soul.

A broken heart bleeding to any generosity as it may seem, trying to heal the horrible pinching of seeking comfort in no more than a little boat to the shore.
Guidance, is the forte of success and a good listener always makes it better, even if you can't sail to shore.
You can dive into and endless ocean, of water filled reality, and swim deeper and deeper till desired quality of reason reappears, and then you could tele-port into mind numbing peace.

But is it reality? I tend to seek answers to unveil the evil face of roughness.
The bitterness in men. The weeping of angels. And the fulfillment, of hope.
The craving would never stop, unless you were be the craving.
That way at least, you wouldn't have to stop and worry.
All you would have to sweat towards, is trying to break into a bigger dimension, where craving be satisfied the minute you get it or where the bottom of the ocean is right where we stand over.

Where the answers are searching for you, but you are nowhere to be found.

Sunday, 5 February 2012


SO, there goes a story, that has been told a million times, a billion times sold.
It's yet another story, waiting to unfold.

The tale of love, the tale of hope, the tale of darkness, the tale of every other miserable folk.

A dream to be true, as genuine as new.
As open as a book, lies are only for crooks.

There goes a faraway land, by the name of satisfaction, it's gates have long been unmanned.
No rumor crosses, the fakes have been smeared, only from the test they had feared.
The test of truth, the shadowy game of tears.

Here emotions they teach, only cos they preach.
Make no mistake, mistakes are unreal, they're shaped to give the most honest deal.

It's the state of trance, of course! it's banned.
Not everyone can enter, here only the smartest can venture.
Once a fading coin is flipped, it can land two faces, for better or for worse, alas!
You can only measure.

Remedy for the mad-minded, therapy for those child hearted.
A forgiving gesture, to let go of the departed.
A welcoming lecture, to this new world we've started.

Here, the third-eye rules, and everything is crystal clear.
As crystal shines the substance, also as clear as thy reluctance.
Hypocrisy fails, as also fails belief.
Here we only follow our most certain trails and only work towards what we believe.

Follow through the darkest light, face your deepest plight.
And after you have won the MOST uncertain fight,
From this new found dimension, you will have gained insight.

Until next time.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Short steps, shorter treads.

A smile to remember, a smile to regret, you have been living my shine.
Don't lose out, it's tender. Don't fall down, or surrender.
We'll sail past oceans and gray.

Little by little i come to the shores, where my own eyes are searching for tears.
I lost you so early, the days went so dark, you don't know how i've lived in this maze.
Now that you have gone past the shadows of my lies, We will find the voices dying in fade.

Don't you cry, my love don't you cry tonight
We've shaped our lives, we have won the fight.
We can now look past the cracks, we can now make it back, we will kiss the morning bliss today.
So don't you cry my life, the shadows overdue. I have been waiting for you.
Dreams are shared, tears are shed. Hope is dare, happiness is your flair.
I wander past my subconscious soul, flowing dark, into the bold.
I need no fear, i need no pain, a simple bond is all we strain.

To dry the blood, to wipe the mud, of my deepest fall.
Sooner than later, We'll have it all.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Never had someone like you.

Open your eyes, we're going home tonight.
Let the whispers in your ear, let love fill back into the blood shed by the dear's.
Look around your world, the memories have been burnt.
There's water all around you.

Water as clear as crystal in the sky.
Stories all floating, all in under the eyes.
The lighthouse shines, the momentary light.
Where flashes the past, when promises turn into dust.
There's a new place i've found, where you can hear every little sound.

Where you can feel, what really is to touch.
There are no lies, honesty is a must.
This place has peace, to find this place, there is a lot i must teach.
It's sacrifice, that counts when the heart is what matter's.
There's always hope, that glass can never be shattered.

Open your eyes, we can now face the sunlight.
Open your arms wide, it's time to quit the hide.
Walk freely, choose what is to be made.
Patience is virtue, we've survived our worst days.

This out here is to the woman i love,
With pride i seek you, to fill in my gaps.
You are the perfect one, you are someone who doesn't lack.
You've stood by my worst mistakes, 
You've held me close, I get what it takes.

Your strength gave me these dreams i  now chase, 
I need you to see, now there is a different taste.
Open your hearts ears, there's faith, we no longer fear.
I worship your presence, even if it's time to shed gallons of tears.

Open up your soul, you don't always have to do what you're told.
I've seen you be bold, your value to me is greater than any gold.
I just want to say, that i can't stand the thought to lose you.
I know it's hard for anyone to refuse you.

I just pray, that we can regain our paths,
This love's forever, it's always going to last.
Open up your eyes, take off that blind fold.

I can face an army of lies, i can face the sorrow's of temper.
I can take a hit on dignity or respect, 
I can close my eyes to all regret.
With you i'm strong, with you i can still feel my pride.

I promise to walk beside you , i'll catch up on our lives,
Even if to reach your heart, i have to drag myself a thousand miles,
Even if it breaks my soul, nothing will ever bring me down,
And with you holding my hand, baby i won't even frown.

09. 01. 2010 - 09. 01. 2012,
and so on...

Until next time :)

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Take off. Crash. Take off again.

This world needs a hero.

There is a time upon us now, the time where we see the light fade.
Of new days to come, of new moments being made, we've lost our shelter, we've fought, we've entered.
Entered into the darkest corners alone, here there is no throne, here there are no rules.
We've shed the tears, we've lost our dears, we cannot differentiate between the slaughter or the cheer.
We've dreamt up holes, we've lost our souls, there is no place in the heart to hold.
We've learnt our time, has been high and dry, felt no pleasure, we seek no treasure.

The coast is clear, but the cost is sheer, the drop has been too high, the butterfly has ceased to fly.
I cannot make right, i cannot share my plight, neither can i take a stand, it's no more unmanned.
The perfect bond, the everlasting bond, the unshaken fear, whether the end is near.
Look upon the sky, so bright, so light. Fly by my side, these instances need a guide.

Open up your wings, in the sun they will glisten.
To make someone listen, you have to sing.
There shall be no darkness, there shall be no sin, while the waiting flag has burnt, the ash of peace has turned.
The wind has taken its toll against me, there was once a fire, which now cannot be seen.
There is no heat, hence the cold feet. The time is now, where you cry out loud.

To save the world, to let story unfold.
To let the light come in, open your eyes. To let the light come in, face up and smile.
A push away, a footstep back, a gentle whisper is all you lack.
All was never lost, all is right here, the shell remains, rest is all tears.

The path is long, there are thorns and needles, there are demons in people, there are feelings to fear.
There is a loss in hope, there is loss in prayer. There is sorrow and death, there is trance, and there is regret.
Here is a portal so near, this is the paper you have to tear.
I live in the subconsciousness, i have no remorse, i like to stay here, in here there's taste.
In here there is trust. In here there's satisfaction and no person here to point out my infractions.

A mind of a poet, a mind with a muse, a mind wandering above the normal, approaching reality with the informal.

I donot seek a smile, against a dying promise. I donot fear aversion, I wish only for conversion.
I only seek a guidance, i only seek a path, where there is little conversation, mind overpowers my generation.

To understand the phenomenon, of wishful thinking, you have to give up the habit of blinking.
You have to see through the commons and the necessary, you have to believe in tooth fairies.
Of all the angels, and good in the world, my mind knew a decision, i didn't have to be told.
To have a possession and earn one is not the same, to have it taken and to have been blamed,
To lose the power of keeping happy, to face the guilty, to hang those who should be.

Now only losing faith is all that could trap me, but where really is faith? Where could that thought be?

There was once a bird, with mighty spread wings.
It flew high and above, beyond the sky.

It soared past trenches, it glided through the rain.
No cloud could stop it, no person could mock it.

Everyone was to know of the majestic creature.

The bird flew, for months and years, until the bird could go no further.
Why could the bird not gain any height, why did it stop is royal flight?

When asked upon, the bird looked down.
The people would pray, their hopes led astray.

Everyone wondered why it ceased it's journey, none got an answer.
The bird had yet it's story to unfold.
With deep concern, a miracle turned the world.

What happened next, happens around everywhere.
What happened to the world happens to people everyday.
The world realized, why the bird refused to go on flight.
They only had to know, why did the bird first take this endless patient flight?
How did it really get it's fuel, it's might.

The answer was clear, the end was near.
The bird had to fly with pride.

Without the happiness, the bird has spread, how else would the world have survived?

The bird flies again, till the world is sure of it's reason.
The bird will fly, the bird will rise high.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Mirror, mirror, on the wall.

A long journey, a road so straight, you can see right ahead.
But oh, it seems to fade.

Sometimes we long for a moment to pause, sometimes it kills us if we don't move forward.
Sometimes we need to let go, sometimes we need to hold on a little longer.
By far this day seems spent, by sheer will power, only. Will this end.
It's can't stay stagnant, it's no longer a trend. For once in the motion, we all have to blend.

You can see the path fog up, you can see the blurry motion, you can feel the power of devotion.
Learning to believe is the easy part, learning to live in it, is the tricky dart.
You hit on the point, where everything falls into place, or you throw it towards darkness, for we always know what to chase.

I stand by the edge, no need to fall, we heard the call, we have broken the wall.

The other side, is bright, lots of trees. With pancakes for breakfast , with lots of cheese.
With smiley little elves, with chocolate shelves, with cravings for lust, with no tolerance for dust.
Where your mind guides, it's easy to go, in the ocean of imagination, it's easy to flow.
All you need is a chain, of thought, not vain.
No sorrow shall stain, no blood shall drain.

They're tears of joy, we've learnt about emotions like we learnt about toys.
It stays as happy, as the sun shines on us, there's warmth, there's hope, they smile at us.
Look behind and see, where these dark hallways be.
Beware, always, what could have been.
There's a chance you fall into the well, the well where your evil dwells.

It's soup for the soul, and all is good. As good as gold.
Be careful, but be bold, there still a long story, left to unfold.
Don't crush the paper, don't break the stick,  it's only a matter of time, before you open the chit.

Can you see how the cold game, turns off the cold blame.
Can you feel your head spin, can you hear your senses skid?
It's all a part, a part of the show, sit down now, we have a lot to go.

How will we ever find our source, how will we come across this force.
Power compels the fight, deep black shadows the night.
Come out, look over the plight, the timing is right, the trees just gained a whole lot of bark.
It's time we come out now, we don't keep all our light in the dark.