Thursday 14 March 2013

Complexity ; Can you define it?

With much gratitude, love to Erika, who inspired me with her words and art.
Hologram inside another hologram inside yet another hologram. The universe is complicated. But to explain the higher existential reality is even more complicated that it seems.

The great design, as proposed for our understanding, by whom you may ask? I prefer to call it, prime creator.

Atlantis, the lost legend once, has found us. Once again, travelling through stargates and meditation and ascension and spirituality and cosmos. Truly we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we're spiritual beings having a human experience. Your body can almost be called as a vehicle on this blessed planet, as everyone else's you are free to roam, discover, wonder, absorb and contribute to your fullest of potential.
It's god realization really, you are free completely and there is absolutely no room for disregard for one another.

You can call me old fashioned but the teachings, that we're left with are just the only light sources that may guide us, and our only intuitive leap banks upon consciousness.
Belief, it's a beautiful thing. You have a choice, and it's what you choose to do and choose to realize as the truth and the false.
Small little veil of realization, it falls. We are unlimited.
Our minds are capable of so much, but remember. The mind, a beautiful slave, a dangerous master.

From many theories of quantum physics to collective consciousness, to teachings and explorations of  Sir Stephen Hawking, you may call me delusional, but i'm free from these worldly affairs, which all these teachings have tried to make us look beyond.
Look beyond your 3rd dimensional, pro-materialistic, ego-self oriented world to find that all these theories point to absolute bliss.
It's what we're fighting for. Once you truly believe in something, your truth will appear.
It will manifest unto itself, breaking all barriers of space and time into peaceful materialization.
As it is meant to be.
We are all highly capable individuals.
13 chakras in the physical and non-physical bodies, connection to cosmos and beyond.
Wander through dream interpretations and sub-conscious affairs.

You see, you may not see why, but you will see where, once you think about it.
The problem lies , when you wouldn't even think.
Why would you, when it disregards all your core beliefs, or everything you THINK you know?
This universe and beyond is far away from our comprehension, BUT, once you get thinking.
Your mind and lights can guide you.
One superpower, INTUITION.
It's you, it's your soul, you can trust it. It will never lead you astray.
Try following the strange pull of what you love, and see where it leads you.
But then again, choice. Do you choose to?
I'll give you an advice, if i can say so.

Life, is all about split second decisions.

All thought is energy, All matter is in motion, All time is NOW.
The power of the present moment.
There is no yesterday, there is no tomorrow.
After a while you'll realize, Time Flies.

"The secret for health of both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, or worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly."
                                                                                                          - Buddha

"Music, to wrap it all up. The Earth has music for all those who listen. Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
                                                                                                          - Nietszche

So, The Earth, A cosmic library, designed only for one purpose.
A gathering of the universes. Beyond ours, exist uncountable more universes.
And the beings who inhibit these universes, come together on ours, as humans, as one.

Each human, emitting different music, and origins beyond which he has never tried to find answers of.
And emitting different music, to share, to relate and to create.
Dancing into a  cosmic journey of sorts.
Got questions in your mind i feel? It's alright.
Belief, it's what we choose to believe which creates our reality. So be bound by it, or choose to travel.
Energy, light. We're all single bodied light consciousness.

Standard Tuning.

" We have lived enough with the no, we have suffered enough and there has to been nothing but misery. I want people to be as joyful as birds singing in the morning, as colorful as flowers as free as the bird on the wing with no bondages, with no conditioning, with no past - just an open future, an open sky and you can fly to the stars. "                                                 
                                                                                                                                 - Osho   
Dance is an innocent and playful process which anybody can do. No words are necessary, and it connects you with your body as well as the space within. Everything comes to you through the body-mind. Dance is a beautiful way to experience that your body-mind is one system.
It is a simple way to release your emotions too.
You can dance your anger, your fear, your sadness : the whole rainbow.
It helps you to become more in touch with what is really happening inside.
By allowing your emotional energy to circulate throughout the body in this way, something falls away, and you feel more relaxed and free. Transformation happens by itself.
The body has its own innate feeling of how to move.

If you begin with a particular movement and notice what that awakens in you, then you can use the natural creativity of your own body to dance your life in the way you want. A point can come when everything stops and you relax in the present moment : It is meditation happening of its own accord.

When you lose yourself in the dance in front of an audience, you reveal who you really are; it's no longer a performance. The beauty and depth of what you're experiencing is felt by everyone, because they recognize themselves and their own feelings in your movements.

Using the stage to offer something of your truth is an amazing way to share your deepest experiences with others.
Eventually you reach a space where your body is only a running flash of energy.
If you let go and surrender to the experience, it feels as if you were possessed and let your unconsciousness take over. This is basically saying to let your control go, and allow whatever happens to come to the surface.

A beautiful understanding comes through the experience itself, without any words.


  1. Porque Deus amou o Mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu Filho unigénito, para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna. - João 3:16

    Porque todos pecaram e destituídos estão da glória de Deus. - Romanos 3:23

    Porque o salário do pecado é a morte, mas o dom gratuito de Deus é a vida eterna, por Cristo Jesus nosso Senhor. - Romanos 6:23

    Disse-lhe Jesus: Eu sou o caminho, e a verdade e a vida. Ninguém vem ao Pai, senão por mim. - João 14:6

    Mas, a todos quantos o receberam, deu-lhes o poder de serem feitos filhos de Deus; aos que crêem no seu nome; - João 1:12

    Jesus respondeu, e disse-lhe: Na verdade na verdade te digo que aquele que não nascer de novo, não pode ver o reino de Deus. - João 3:3

    E quase todas as coisas, segundo a lei, se purificam com sangue; e sem derramamento de sangue não há remissão. - Hebreus 9:22

    E disse: Em verdade vos digo que, se não vos converterdes e não vos fizerdes como meninos, de modo algum entrareis no reino dos céus. - Mateus 18:3

    Eis que estou à porta, e bato: se alguém ouvir a minha voz, e abrir a porta, entrarei em sua casa, e com ele cearei, e ele comigo. - Apocalipse 3:20

    Se confessarmos os nossos pecados, ele é fiel e justo, para nos perdoar os pecados, e nos purificar de toda a injustiça. - I João 1:9

    A saber: Se com a tua boca confessares ao Senhor Jesus, e, em teu coração creres que Deus o ressuscitou dos mortos, serás salvo. Visto que com o coração se crê para a justiça, e com a boca se faz confissão para a salvação. Porque todo aquele que invocar o nome do Senhor será salvo. - Romanos 10:9,10,13

    Porque pela graça sois salvos, por meio da fé; e isto não vem de vós; é dom de Deus. Não vem das obras, para que ninguém se glorie. - Efésios 2:8,9

    Não pelas obras de justiça que houvéssemos feito, mas segundo a sua misericórdia, nos salvou pela lavagem da regeneração e da renovação do Espírito Santo, - Tito 3:5

    E eles disseram: Crê no Senhor Jesus Cristo, e serás salvo, tu e a tua casa. - Actos 16:31

    Aquele que crê no Filho tem a vida eterna; mas aquele que não crê no Filho não verá a vida; mas a ira de Deus sobre ele permanece. - João 3:36

    E dou-lhes a vida eterna, e nunca hão-de perecer, e ninguém as arrebatará da minha mão. - João 10:28

    Assim que, se alguém está em Cristo, nova criatura é: as coisas velhas já passaram; eis que tudo se fez novo. - II Coríntios 5:17

  2. O abençoado, estamos a ter estas palavras do senhor excelentíssimo senhor, iluminai-nos com suas revelações, que chegou o momento de dar o salto.
